Copywriting Fundamentals

Date modified: 11 November 2023

Best Copywriting Books

Keep this simple. There are a few quintessential books in copywriting.

These books were written by the gods of copy - those that have done copy and were the top 0.1% at it.

Listed according to purpose:

Fundamental and beginner-friendly: The Adweek Copywriting Handbook by Joseph Sugarman

Scientific and Market-focused: Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz

Headline-focused: How to Write a Good Advertisement by Victor O. Schwab


Headline is the most important aspect of copywriting. This should be 80% of the focus.

Read: How to Write a Good Advertisement by Victor O. Schwab.

If no one reads past the headline, all your effort in the body is wasted.

So, always write and rewrite the headline to the best it can be.